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Eolas Fúinn - Ionad Tacaíochta Oideachais Thiobraid Árann
About Us - Tipperary Education Support Centre

Tá Ionad Tacaíochta Oideachais Thiobraid Árann ann ó thús na 1980í. Cé go bhfuil go leor athruithe déanta againn, le 25 bliain anuas, tá ár n-éiteas – Oideachas do Chách – mar bhonn agus mar thaca ag fealsúnacht ár n-eagraíochta.

Tipperary Education Support Centre has been in existence since the early 1980′s. Although, we have undergone many transitions, over the last 25 years, our ethos – Education for All – underpins the very philosophy of our organisation.


Stiúrthóir / Director : Michelle Percy - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Is iad seo a leanas Coiste Bainistíochta Ionad Tacaíochta Oideachais Thiobraid Árann.
The following make up the Tipperary Education Support Centre Management Committee.


Go luath sna hochtóidí, rinneadh bearta chun ionad múinteoirí a bhunú i dTiobraid Árann a dhéanfadh freastal ar riachtanais ghairmiúla na múinteoirí.

Do léirigh torthaí imscrúduithe fhochoiste Chumann Múinteoirí Éireann gur bhraith múinteoirí i nDurlas Éile, Aonach Urmhumhan, Ros Cré, Teampall Mór, Caiseal, Cathair Dhún Iascaigh, Tiobraid Árann agus Cluain Meala go láidir gur cheart go mbeadh áis éigin bunaithe chun freastal ar a gcuid riachtanas.

Mar thoradh air sin, bunaíodh Grúpa Staidéir. Chabhraigh na Bráithre Críostaí i nDurlas Éile le cóiríocht a chur ar fáil chúrsaí oíche. Thairg na Siúracha Ursulacha go fial áitreabh saor ó chíos go dtí go raibh aitheantas agus maoiniú Roinne ar fáil. Chuir Cumann Múinteoirí Éireann, Cumann na Meánmhúinteoirí, Éire agus Aontas Múinteoirí Éireann maoiniú don áitreabh seo a fheistiú.

Ón tús, ba é ba mhian leis an ngrúpa seo ná go n-aithneofaí go hoifigiúil lá amháin iad mar Ionad Múinteoirí. I rith na mblianta 1985 go 1989 chuaigh an grúpa ó neart go neart.

I rith na mblianta sin, rinneadh go leor iarratas ar aitheantas chuig an Roinn Oideachais. Ar 2 Márta, 1989 bhuail toscaireacht le hoifigigh na Roinne agus cuireadh aighneacht cúig leathanach déag i láthair ag cur síos ar na fáthanna go raibh gá le hionad múinteoirí i dTiobraid Árann.

Ní go dtí 1991 ar bronnadh stádas Lárionad Páirtaimseartha ar an nGrúpa Staidéir. Sna 90idí luatha tháinig fás gan fasach ar an soláthar inseirbhíse go náisiúnta d’fhorbairt ghairmiúil múinteoirí.

Le linn an ama seo, tá 160 ionad eagraithe againn do chúrsaí, léachtaí, seimineáir, scoileanna samhraidh agus oícheanta eolais. Tá líon nach lú ná 1500 múinteoir tar éis freastal ar na cúrsaí seo.

In the early eighties, moves were made to establish a teachers’ centre in Tipperary which would cater for the professional needs of teachers.

Results of an I.N.T.O. sub committee’s investigations revealed that teachers in Thurles, Nenagh, Roscrea, Templemore, Cashel, Cahir, Tipperary and Clonmel felt strongly that there should be some facility established to cater for their needs.

Consequently, a Study Group was formed. The Christian Brothers community in Thurles were more than helpful in accommodating night courses. The Ursuline Sisters generously offered premises free of rent until such a time as Department recognition and funding became available. These premises were furnished with funding procured from the I.N.T.O., the A.S.T.I. and the T.U.I.

From the very outset, the aspiration of this group was that they would be recognised officially one day as a Teachers’ Centre. During the years 1985 to 1989 the group went from strength to strength.

Throughout those years, many requests of recognition were made to the Department of Education. On March 2 nd, 1989 a delegation met Department officials and a fifteen page submission was presented outlining the reasons why a teachers’ centre was needed in Tipperary.

It was not until 1991 that the Study Group was granted Part-time Centre status. The early 90′s saw an unprecedented growth in the provision of in-service nationally for the professional development of teachers.

During this time, we have organized 160 venues for courses, lectures, seminars, summer schools and information nights. No less than 1500 teachers have attended these courses.

Áiseanna agus Seomraí
Facilities and Rooms